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FREE Resources for Commission Artists

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Getting started with commissions? Here's a big blog post with FREE resources and templates for you! You should also watch me two videos on how to get started with commissions as well as how to calculate your prices.

This post is a re-post of my original post from a year ago. During the repost, some of the info below has been updated.

Start by watching the above video I made if you haven’t already (^-^) The content below makes much more sense afterward. Anyway, here’s the mentioned blog post with free template text that you can use for your Commission Info page.


Check out my updated commission guide!

Heeey, this is Nadia from 2022 with an edit. I have now created an updated version of my old commission guide(s) so please check out the new video as well as the new blog post where you'll find additional free resources you can download and use!


Where should I put my commission info?

If you have a website, I would suggest putting it there (like I did). But besides that, you should post it on the social media sites you are active on.

  • deviantArt: Create a journal entry called “Commission Info” . Update the same journal each time you make changes. You can choose to notify your followers of it or not. You can also upload a picture with all your info since you can easily replace image files on dA.

  • Youtube: Put a link to your commission info in the videos’ description. Since you cannot post photos in the description, it is not the best place to post your full info.

  • Instagram: There are a couple of ways you can go about here. Post your commission info over several Story-slides and pin them together as a group on your profile. Call it “Commissions” or something like that. If you have over 10.000 followers you can also attach a URL to your stories referring to your website/order form/dA or whatever is relevant for you. You can also post the link to your commission info on the profile itself. Or, you make regular multiple posts with all your info as images. It can be hard to fit terms and all your info in these small images, so maybe have the basics in the pictures and use your profile to link to the actual info page.

  • Tumblr: Same as deviantArt, basically. Post your info in a post and link to your post from your menu, so it as easily accessible.

  • Facebook: I would create a post with the categories of commissions I’m taking, and adding some text with the prices. Or, I would post the pictures into a gallery folder called “Commission Info”. However, I don’t find Facebook to be the best place to host commission info, so a link to your info page is probably better.


The following sections are template text that you can copy and use for your commission info page. Remember to alter it so that it fits you and the way you handle commissions. The text is divided into the following categories:

  • Status & Slots

  • Ordering & Payment

  • About commissioning me

  • Examples and Prices

  • Do’s and Don’ts

  • Terms of Service

NOTE: Within each section, I write a NOTE like this one, and you shouldn’t copy it - it’s just me explaining what you can do in this section ;P

Feel free to use it as you see fit for FREE and without needing to credit me. If you want to support me, leave a like and comment on the videos in this blog entry.


Template for "Status & Slots":

Status: OPEN/CLOSED/WAITLIST One commission equals one slot- so if one person orders three pieces, that person fills up three slots. If all slots are taken you can ask to be put on a waitlist.

Slot 1:

Slot 2:

Slot 3:

Slot 4:

Slot 5:

NOTE:  If you have the possibility to change text color, you can make “OPEN” green, “CLOSED” red and WAITLIST some other color you like. Put as many slots as you are open to take. When someone takes your slot, put their username next to the slot or just write “TAKEN”. Some artists also write what type of commission was ordered. 

“SLOT X: SKETCH - HALFBODY for Username”


Template for "Ordering & Pricing":

How to order:

Send me an email/PM/put your preference here Include the text form somewhere in the message and fill it with your order info:

GENERAL INFO: Your name: Your e-mail: Type/category of commission: How many characters: Any specific wishes/details you want included: Background:  CHARACTER(S) INFO: Character name: Character personality/description(s): Please give me everything you have on your character that you want me to have in mind when drawing them - also characters from series since I might not know them. You can also send me a youtube link to a video portraying the characters' personality. By sending this order I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of service for commissioning “ARTIST NAME”.

You can place multiple orders in one mail, just include the above info multiple times. Please include reference images of your character(s). If there is anything specific you would like me to get inspired from (e.g. environment for background or stock images for poses) please include them as well. If you cannot provide reference for the character (meaning you only have a text description), an additional +X$ will be added to the price. Send your order to youremailhere @ mail . com

Payment method:

Paypal only/Points/Bank transfer/Etc.

NOTE:  I use Paypal only! It is the most reliable international transfer service I have used so far. If you recieve domestic orders, you might want to consider the possibilities for domestic transfers as well. For instance; regular bank transfer.

Template for "About commissioning me"

Before you order, please make sure to have read my Terms of Service. These terms apply to private commissions only. This information is NOT applicable for commercial work, therefore the art can only be used for the client’s personal purposes.

All prices below are base prices. Things that might increase the price are complex character designs, number of characters, not being able to provide a good visual reference, complex backgrounds and amount of detail in the image in general.

NOTE: I added this section in the beginning of the page even though it might as well have been in my terms. A lot of people who have wanted to commission me wanted to use the art commercially, at which the price is significantly higher. So I put this here as a kind of disclaimer. Same goes for the price. I wanted to state early on, that there are certain factors that can affect the final price.


Examples and Prices

NOTE: List the type of commissions you will be taking. You can easily write out all the categories you plan to offer, even if you sometimes only open up for some of them. Be sure to notify in the “STATUS”-section which commissions you are open for. I cannot give you anything to copy and paste for this section, since it usually is very different depending on how you want to build up your categories. The following are pictures to inspire you to build your categories.

EXAMPLE 1: Each category is a “type of shading”; Sketch, Lined, Flat colors, full colors, etc (except for chibis that I only did in full colors).

NOTE: The images above are my old commission categories. Today I have divided the sections differently. Next time I update my info I might go back to this type of categorization. You don’t have to pick ONE way and stick with it. You are free to change things around every now and then so it always best fits how you take commissions at the given time. Also, sometimes renewing the look of your page is exciting to you and your clients.

EXAMPLE 2: Categorized after how much of the character’s body is in the image (cropping).


Additional Characters: +50% each

HALFBODY - $XX Additional Characters: +50% each


Additional Characters: +50% each


More on Pricing

The below video gives you an insight into how I calculate my rate and set prices for my commissions.


Additional stuff:

Other croppings to consider:

  • Thigh-up

  • Bust

  • Dynamic pose (is usually halfbody/fullbody)

  • Chibi

Other shadings to consider:

  • Colored sketch

  • Celshaded color

  • Black/White (B/W)

Other CATEGORIES to consider:

  • Comic pages

  • Character sheets

  • Animated art

  • Avatars

  • Pixel art

Some great commission info pages to give you inspiration and how they are using categorization (opens in new tab):

Info images for Instagram

Here are some examples of how I have used Instagram to show my commission info (outdates info/prices):


Template for "Do’s & Don’ts"

Will do:

  • Humans

  • Creatures

  • A portrait of you and your loved ones

  • Couples/ships of any gender

  • Fanart

  • Original characters

  • Any sexuality (+NSFW)

  • Fluffy flamingos*

Will not do:

  • Fetishes

  • Hateful art

  • Imitation of other art styles or artists

  • Gore

  • Mechas

  • Long-leg Johnson

  • USA’s president

* Only very fluffy ones

NOTE: Customize the lists so they fit your wishes. The ones I put on were just examples. You might want to draw something that is on other artists’ “will-not” list. Don’t feel bad about that! That just means you might get some niche orders and that’s awesome. There is nothig wrong with the subjects on “do-not” lists (usually).


Template for "Terms of Service / TOS"

NOTE: The following is a copy of my terms. Some places the text is underlined, which means you should put in your own info to replace mine/blanks. Remember to READ IT THROUGH if you copy-paste the following text. You NEED to make sure it fits the way you work. Also note that the terms underneath apply to digital drawings! Make sure to change the facts about final product handling if you do traditional art and ship them off.

If you have a problem with any of these terms, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying for your commissioned piece.

  • All drawings may or will include a subtle sign that you may not remove.

  • I might record the drawing process and post it on my youtube.

  • Prices are subject to change based on demand.

  • I have the right to reject any order that I do not feel comfortable drawing for any reason.

  • Currency accepted is either USD or Danish Kroner and can be paid through PayPal or any Danish payment service such as MobilePay or bank transfer. 

  • Commissions can be paid either 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after sketch approval.

  • Don't send me any payment before I have agreed to give you a slot and requested you to send me the payment.

  • I will notify you when I have started on your commission and you, therefore, lose the rights to a refund (see point 7 further below for more info on refunds)

  • While I'm working on your commission I will make reviews with you to make sure I make it just right for you!

  • The amount of reviews depends on the complexity of the work.

  • During the reviews, you will see work-in-progress and these images will usually include a watermark and be smaller than the finished piece.

  • The time it takes to finish your commission varies 1 week - 3 months depending on factors such as health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, other work and con seasons.

  • If anything comes up that will slow the progress of the initially estimated delivery time I will let you know asap.

  • Once the piece is finished you will receive the full-resolution image along with a web-friendly size. Note that there is no physical product. Depending on where you live, we can arrange to print your artwork. Just ask :)

  • You get 3 rounds of changes on the commissioned piece included in the price.

  • A fee will be added if you want something changed on the final drawing - unless a misunderstanding from my side has been made.

  • If you wish for me to change something in the drawing you have previously approved, I will charge you a fee to change it. The amount of the extra charge depends on the change you want me to make and is usually based on an hourly wage.

  • If your reference is unclear to start with changes will come at an extra charge.


I, Nadia Axel (the artist), claim the rights to the produced drawing, not the buyer. Therefore I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:

  • Promote myself with it everywhere

  • Publish books with it (artbooks, etc.)

  • Display it everywhere to my liking (website, social media, etc.)

  • Post it wherever I want

The buyer is allowed to:

  • Use the commissioned piece for personal use unless agreed otherwise (you can upload it on all your social media profiles, forums, etc.)

  • Print the artwork and claim the character(s) as their own, but not the artwork itself.

  • Use the artwork to promote themselves. You are not forced to give me credit when you post it but it is very appreciated.

  • Use the artwork on their Youtube channel and in monetized videos as long as the artwork itself is not the main subject for the earnings.

The following is considered copyright infringement:

  • Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially - means making money off it in any way.

  • Claiming the artwork as your own

  • Removing my signature from the artwork

  • Altering the artwork without my consent

  • I reserve the full rights to the image and it's use/distribution unless otherwise agreed upon (rights to the image for your own non-personal use may be purchased at any time).

  • I will do everything I can to make my customers happy!

  • If you have a problem with anything in regards to the commissioned piece please tell me right away so we can find a solution together.

  • I am willing to change some of my terms for you if you ask before I start on your commission. If you, e.g., do not want me to post your art anywhere, we can discuss this.

  • The buyer is not allowed a refund once I started working on the commission.

  • If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund.

  • If you cancel your order before I started it, you can get a full refund.

  • If you are getting a refund, do not request a Paypal chargeback. I will transfer the money back to you myself.

  • If you request a Paypal chargeback at any point when you were not allowed to ask for a refund you will lose all beforementioned rights to the commissioned piece and I will have the full right to profit further from it in any way. I will decline the chargeback and supply Paypal with our conversations in which we talk about the commission as evidence that I have completed work for you. Furthermore, you will be blacklisted for commissioning me again.

If the buyer breaks any of the points stated above they will lose all the beforementioned rights to the artwork commissioned by me, Nadia Axel (the artist), and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way I see fit. If you have a problem with any of these statements, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying your commissioned piece.

What do you get?

  • Drafts/mockups that you must decide which one I should continue with (depending on the complexity of the commission there might be fewer or more drafts)

  • Sketch and/or final sketches that you must accept before I continue the work

  • Insight and involvement in color plan (depending on the complexity of the commissioned piece)

  • Full-resolution file (approx. 210 x 297 mm at 300 DPI) of final drawing and a smaller version for internet upload. Final file formats are usually PNG.

NOTE: If your info page is getting big, consider posting your terms on a different site and CLEARLY link to it from your info site.


Template for simplified "Terms of Service / TOS":

By purchasing a commission from me (the artist) you agree to be purchasing my services only. If you have a problem with any of the below conditions, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying for your commissioned piece.

Please read the terms carefully:

I, YOUR NAME (the artist):

  • I reserve the right to cancel and refund the order at any time for any reason.

  • I retain all copyrights over the commissioned artwork.

  • I will NOT claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned artwork.

  • I will NOT profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you (the customer) break any of the terms.

  • I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online, in my portfolio as well as in publications such as art books.

You (the customer/commissioner):

  • You may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and social channels.

  • You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, make prints, etc.)

  • You may NOT alter the commissioned artwork without my (the artist's) consent.

  • You MAY be allowed to sell the artwork if it is a part of an Adoptable. Please discuss this with me prior to paying for the artwork.

  • You retain the rights to the intellectual property (IP).

  • You may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes. The license to the commissioned artwork may be purchased at any point - contact me for info.


We’re at the end…

Thank you for reading! And for watching my video C:

I hope my entry here was useful to you. Feel free to ask questions if you have any. I would recommend you to leave your questions in a comment on the video, so the answer can be seen and helpful to a lot of people!

Thank you again ~ take care ♥

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